Stefanie Dannenmann-Di Palma - UNDRR

Season #1 Episode #4

Welcome to The Career Guide Podcast!

The Career Guide Podcast is a behind-the-scenes conversation with professionals who have managed to develop long-term careers overseas with organizations like the United Nations, EU, NATO, and OSCE. The goal of this interview series is not to provide technical details and advice already covered in this course but to hear from career professionals about the experiences, challenges, and life as an international professional. 

Today we’re talking with Stefanie Dannenmann-Di Palma, who has spent the last 16 years working internationally in UNDRR in Bonn and then Brussels. Stefanie started out as a Specialist in Natural Hazards in a Swiss insurance company working in New York, and then transitioned to managing international projects in the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research where she worked for 3 years before getting a position in the UN system. Overall, Stefanie has spent 20 years working in an international environment and working for organizations like the UN and she is here to share her thoughts and ideas on international work with us today.

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