Manlio Silvestri - NATO

Season #1 Episode #7

Welcome to The Career Guide Podcast!

The Career Guide Podcast is a behind-the-scenes conversation with professionals who have managed to develop long-term careers overseas with organizations like the United Nations, EU, NATO, and OSCE. The goal of this interview series is not to provide technical details and advice already covered in this course but to hear from career professionals about the experiences, challenges, and life as an international professional.

Today we’re talking with Manlio Silvestri. After leaving his military career after 30 years with the rank of Brigadier General, he served at NATO Headquarters within the International Civilian Staff of the Operations Division for 15 years. During his military career, he served as Commander of Italian Mountain Troops units up to Brigade level across the Alps. His posts abroad included: Staff Planning Officer in the UK, following the British Army Command and Staff College; Deputy Commander of the New Zealand Brigade during INTERFET operations in Indonesia; and NATO Liaison Officer at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 2001 to 2004. Now Dr. Silvestri is an International Advisor with Capacity Building International. 

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