Adam Sharpe - Founder of Futurely

Season #1 Episode #9

Welcome to The Career Guide Podcast!

The Career Guide Podcast is a behind-the-scenes conversation with professionals who have managed to develop long-term careers overseas with organizations like the United Nations, EU, NATO, and OSCE. The goal of this interview series is not to provide technical details and advice already covered in this course but to hear from career professionals about the experiences, challenges, and life as an international professional. 

Today we’re talking with Adam Sharpe. Adam is a futurist and meaningful youth engagement specialist. Having spent over a decade in the youth development sector delivering educational programming to hundreds of thousands of people throughout Asia and Europe, Adam recognized the urgent need for a seismic shift in education and skills building to meet today's and tomorrow's collective challenges. He founded youth futures think tank and transformative foresight consultancy Futurely, he co-founded the online futures learning platform Metafuture School and consults for multinational organizations including the UN and the Asian Development Bank. Adam is going to share his thoughts and his journey, as well as some insights on what people can do to launch their own international careers.

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