Casey Johnson – CFE-DM

Season #1 Episode #20

Welcome to The Career Guide Podcast!

The Career Guide Podcast is a behind-the-scenes conversation with professionals who have managed to develop long-term careers overseas with organizations like the United Nations, EU, NATO, and OSCE. The goal of this interview series is not to provide technical details and advice already covered in this course but to hear from career professionals about the experiences, challenges, and life as an international professional. 

Today we’re talking with Casey Johnson. Casey is a humanitarian access and security analyst at US Indo-Pacific Command's Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (CFE-DM) where he leads engagement on Taiwan.

Casey arrives at the Center from the Department of State's Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations where he led global research on countering violent extremism and supported stabilization programming. Prior to stints in DC with State and USAID, he lived and worked in Afghanistan for eight years with the United States Institute of Peace and other local organizations, conducting research on the Taliban and advising the U.S. military on stabilization efforts.

Casey is a graduate of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, the Indian Institute of Journalism and New Media, and Seattle University. His research and photography has appeared in The New York Times, National Geographic, and Foreign Policy.

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