Paul Turner – the Fund for Peace (FFP), USAID

Season #1 Episode #21

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The Career Guide Podcast is a behind-the-scenes conversation with professionals who have managed to develop long-term careers overseas with organizations like the United Nations, EU, NATO, and OSCE. The goal of this interview series is not to provide technical details and advice already covered in this course but to hear from career professionals about the experiences, challenges, and life as an international professional. 

Today we’re talking with Paul Turner. Paul serves the Fund for Peace (FFP) as the President and Executive Director. Previously, he was Chief of Party overseeing a $95M USAID mechanism on Governance and Stabilization in the Middle East and North Africa. Over his 25 year career across the national security paradigm, Mr. Turner has worked on more than 90 conflict affected countries and deployed to 45 countries as a diplomat, activist, academic, researcher, and peacebuilder. During his career, he helped launch the National Defense University’s Center for Complex Operations, the interagency Civilian Response Corps, and the Global Counterterrorism Forum’s International Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism Capacity-Building Clearinghouse Mechanism. In addition, he has worked across the programming cycle and led research to frame the USAID Middle East Bureau’s approach to Positive Youth Development in Conflict Contexts, designed conflict, governance, environmental security, and atrocity assessment tools, and promoted vertical and horizontal integration to advance the inclusion of local voices. Mr. Turner is also a founding member of the Multi-Disciplinary Expert Resource Group on Rehabilitation and Reintegration and serves on the board of directors of Re-imagining New Communities in Kenya, and the Peace-Led Climate Friendly Sustainable Development Forum.

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